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Easy Additions for Every Lesson

Odd and Even

Reinforcing odd and even is easy, everytime they encounter a number, ask them, is it odd or even?

The best game to play for this is in the “Place Value Odd or Even” lesson:

  • Students are asked to separate their Twister number into partitioned form and designate if it is odd or even.

  • Variations of their number can be made on the Twister or supplied worksheet, which can include “adding 10”, “subtracting 100” or “remove the thousands” from their number.

  • The goal is to have the student realise that it is only the variation of units value which will impact whether a number is odd or even.

All games using the Place Value Twister can include reinforcement of odd or even designation. Simply include a point in each lesson to ask the student if their number is odd or even and their reasoning why.

  • When playing “I’m Thinking of a Number” have one of the criteria being if the number is odd or even. 

  • Activities will usually have the student generating multiple numbers throughout the lesson. Have the student record all or some (at least 5-10) of the different numbers they have encountered. 

  • Have the student separate their numbers into odd or even groups.

  • Have the students rearrange the individual numbers to different place value orders to form odd or even numbers. If they are unable to with their given number, ensure they understand why!

Ascending and Descending Order

  • Applicable to all Place Value Twister games.

  • To improve all round maths literacy, the ability to arrange numbers into ascending and descending order is critical.

  • Activities will usually have the student generating multiple numbers throughout the lesson. Have the student record all or some (at least 5-10) of the different numbers they have encountered.

  • At the end of the lesson, have the student rearrange the numbers in ascending and descending order.

  • Another variation is to take a number and have the student rearrange the individual numbers to different place values to make a smaller or larger number.

  • Wait for some students to place the zero at the start of a number in an attempt to make the smallest number. Correct them when they make this common mistake!


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