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Games and Tips


Working in Groups

Catering to Different Levels of Understanding

  • Not all students will be able to create numbers to the thousands right away

  • The Place Value Twister inherently allows for separation of the larger cups that allow students to focus on the place value sets they are familiar with.

  • Inclusion of the larger cups will be a natural progression.

Place Value Twister Seperated Cups

When teaching groups with a mixed level of understanding, games can be played by applying a handicap.

  • For instance, students with a higher level of understanding can use the Twister to the thousands, whilst students with a lower understanding can use the Twister to the tens or hundreds.

  • This has been a commonly used tactic in the home or with focused student groups where a younger sibling has been present and wishes to join in.

  • The competitive games then become fairer and do not discourage the student with a lower understanding from participating or enjoying the games.

Students Teaching Students

Having students take leadership roles within groups is a powerful tool to empower their numeracy abilities.​
  • Students who take instruction and help from their peers will lower their defenses against learning or not realise that they are being taught. 

  • Sometimes a student will be disinclined to take instruction from a teacher or not be confident enough to ask for help from an adult. 

  • Students teaching students will also lower the burden on the teacher running around checking on the groups.

  • Encourage students who have a higher level of understanding to help their peers. You will find that students who have a learning moment during the games and “get it” will often immediately love to explain it to other students or the teacher.

The Place Value Twister for Early Primary

When playing in pairs or small groups:

  • Have the students take turns to call out or generate a number.

  • Have the students take turn to verify that the rest of the group has made the correct number. 

  • Variations of the “Place Value Bank” lesson allow for students to take turns role playing as the banker, distributing counters and calculating place value trading. 

  • Mix up the groups with students with a higher level of understanding with students with a lower level of understanding.

  • Make sure that each student has identical resources if working in pairs or with students of a similar level of undestanding.


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